Noise reduction earplugs for anxiety

Anxiety is common, with an estimated 19.1% of adults in the USA suffering from the condition. It affects everyone differently, but for many people, noise can exacerbate noise anxiety symptoms. If you feel a sense of rising panic when there are lots of people talking on a crowded train, struggle with the constant background noise in the office that makes it impossible to concentrate on a task, or feel stressed by sudden loud noises like emergency sirens, you’re not alone. But there is a simple way to manage the symptoms of anxiety brought on by noise: earplugs for anxiety.

Why should you use earplugs for anxiety?

Loud or sudden noises can trigger the body’s stress response, otherwise known as the fight or flight response. This stress response floods the body with stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which make you feel on edge and can have an immediate impact on your physical and mental wellbeing, resulting in an increased heart rate, feeling tense, sweaty palms and more. 

For people with anxiety, this stress response is easily triggered, and can be set off by being in noisy environments – even when the noise poses no real threat to them. For some people, loud environments can even trigger panic attacks.

Anxiety earplugs can offer a protective barrier against noise sensitivity – and for panic attack sufferers, they can be a handy tool to reduce the risk. When you wear earplugs, less noise reaches your eardrums, creating a quieter environment – which in turn, can alleviate any symptoms you experience when exposed to noise. 

Wearing anxiety-reducing earplugs can also give you more control over your environment. Rather than hiding away from noise, earplugs can give you the confidence to go out and live your life, safe in the knowledge that you’ve got a secret weapon if the noise all starts to get a little too much.

Wearing earplugs to create a calm environment can help to promote the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system, which is sometimes also called the ‘rest and digest’ system. It counteracts the fight or flight response, leading to a state of relaxation. It’ll also help to lower your heart rate and blood pressure, making earplugs a great tool to let you rest and recover after a panic attack.

A quieter environment can contribute to your all-round wellbeing. Sleep is a hugely important factor when it comes to reducing stress and anxiety – but many people with anxiety struggle to sleep, whether because of loud noises outside or thoughts racing through their head. Wearing earplugs to bed can help you to drift off to sleep faster, and stay asleep longer, meaning you wake up the next morning feeling refreshed and in a better frame of mind.

Our earplugs for anxiety

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Why Loop Earplugs are your best option

You don’t want your anxiety to stop you from living your life. If noise is a trigger for your anxiety, earplugs are a simple way to help you live a more comfortable life. 

Loop offers a choice of different earplugs to help you create a quieter environment and reduce your symptoms:

  • Loop Experience earplugs offer up to 18 dB (SNR) and 7 dB (NRR) of noise reduction, with perfect sound quality. That means they’re ideal for attending concerts, sports and other events where you want to hear everything that’s happening perfectly, while reducing the risk of anxiety or panic attacks.
  • Loop Engage earplugs are designed with conversation in mind, making them ideal for social situations in noisy environments. They offer up to 16 dB (SNR) and 10 dB (NRR) of noise reduction, and are designed to reduce the occlusion effect – that is, the echoey, head-underwater feeling you often get with standard earplugs.
  • Loop Quiet earplugs are designed for those times when you want to create a really calm environment with more noise reduction, whether for sleep, studying, or meditation. They offer up to 26.2 (SNR) and 14 dB (NRR) of noise reduction, and are made from super soft silicone for all-day or all-night comfort.
  • And if you need it all, Loop Switch have your back. They offer the convenience of 3 earplugs in 1, controlled by a single switch, giving you the power to shift between Engage, Experience and Quiet modes depending on your environment.

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 Frequently asked questions

How do earplugs help alleviate anxiety symptoms?

Earplugs alleviate anxiety symptoms by creating a quiet environment, reducing sensory overload and stress hormone levels. They reduce the amount of noise that reaches your ears, reducing the risk of noise triggering your anxiety symptoms.

How do earplugs for anxiety differ from regular noise-canceling earplugs?

The beauty of Loop Earplugs is that they’re multi-purpose. You can use them to reduce the symptoms of anxiety, as well as for sleeping, studying, attending concerts… The list is endless.

Can earplugs be worn overnight to help with anxiety-induced insomnia?

If you choose the right kind of earplugs, they can be worn overnight. Loop Quiet earplugs are made from super soft silicone, making them super comfortable to wear all night long – and they offer up to 24 decibels (SNR) of noise reduction for a sound sleep.

Can I use it in combination with other anxiety-reducing techniques or therapies?

Yes, of course – we recommend using earplugs as just one tool in your anxiety toolkit. Techniques like mindfulness, deep breathing and cognitive behavioral therapy can all be useful tools when used alongside earplugs for anxiety.