Comfortable earplugs for flying
From the excitement of arriving at the airport, to the promise of a new destination, flying is great. Except for one problem…
Being on the plane. Whether you’re stuck in the middle seat, or suffering beside a snoring passenger, flying comes with a whole host of challenges. And that’s not even to mention airplane ear, or how noisy planes can be.
If you’ve ever had painful ears when taking off and landing, you’ll know that it can ruin your whole flight. Or how about trying to get a good sleep on, but you’re constantly interrupted by announcements and crying babies? If this sounds all too familiar, there is a solution: earplugs for flying.
Why should you use earplugs for flying?
Planes are loud. Really loud. They’re noisy during take off and landing when the noise can reach 105 decibels. But planes are still loud when they’re cruising. In fact, noise levels in the cabin sit at roughly 85 decibels. That means there’s always a hum of background noise.
At that level, potential hearing damage can kick in after 8 hours. Which means you need to be careful on long-haul flights. But even if you’re taking a shorter trip, plane earplugs can reduce the volume of background noise and help you get to sleep.
Earplugs can help to filter out those annoying background noises. So even if you’re sitting beside a couple who won’t stop arguing, or there’s an unhappy kid in the next row, wearing earplugs on the plane can help to reduce sounds to a tolerable level.
They can also help to ease the pain of airplane ear – that is, the pain lots of us experience during take off and landing, due to the sudden change in air pressure. Earplugs help to reduce the pressure and ensure that you’re not starting your journey in pain.
Our earplugs for Flying
What makes Loop Earplugs ideal for flying?
Ease the pressure and enjoy a more relaxing flight with Loop Earplugs. They’re designed to offer first-class comfort – so you can have a little touch of luxury, even if you’re flying economy.
Want to get a bit of R&R on your flight and wake up feeling refreshed? Go for the Loop Quiet. They’re made from flexible soft-touch silicone for serious comfort, and offer up to 27 decibels of noise reduction.
If you’re an anxious flier and want to take the edge off, or if you want to be able to communicate with your friends and family on the flight, while reducing background noise, try Loop Engage
These specially designed earplugs don’t block noise completely but filter it instead, thanks to a patented acoustic channel. That means they offer up to 16 decibels of noise reduction without affecting the clarity of your voice, so you can stay engaged. Plus, all of our earplugs come with a choice of ear tip sizes so you can find the perfect fit for you.
If you’ve tried chewing gum, yawning hard during take off, and nasal sprays to try to alleviate your painful airplane ear to no avail, give our earplugs a go. They’ll reduce the pressure while flying for a more comfortable flight, and will help to avoid that feeling of blocked ears when you get off the plane – never a good start to your holiday.
It’s about the journey, as well as the destination
But you shouldn’t have to put up with that.
After all, life is a journey to be enjoyed. And that includes flying. You shouldn’t have to sit there gritting your teeth, counting down the seconds to your beautiful destination.
You should be able to enjoy a cheeky glass of wine, gaze out the window at the clouds, and then peacefully drift off to sleep – only to wake up refreshed and ready to explore your destination.
Good news. You can do just that – with some trusty earplugs for air travel.
Ease the pressure – with in-flight earplugs
But what are the best earplugs for flying? And how do they help?
Besides being able to help you rest easily, earplugs can also ease the uncomfortable build-up of pressure in your eardrum during take-off and landing.
But many earplugs are anything but comfortable. That’s why we made them different from the rest:
Collapsible content
First-class comfort
With silicone and memory foam ear tips in a range of sizes, Loop earplugs fit snugly in your ears. No rummaging under your seat for stray earplugs; these ones will stay put.
Peace and quiet
Need some sleep? Loop Quiet earplugs reduce noise by 24 decibels, creating a calm oasis in the middle of chaos. Want to lower the volume, while still being able to have a conversation? Loop Experience Pro earplugs ensure you get natural sound, but just at a lower volume.
Classy confidence
Loop earplugs don’t look like you’ve stuck complimentary salted peanuts in your ears. With an attractive ring design and a variety of colors to suit your style, you can wear them with confidence.

Live life at your volume
Give yourself first-class comfort, peace and confidence on every flight with the right earplugs. You deserve to enjoy the journey as well as the destination.
100 days free return
And if you’re not a fan, we’ll get them a return ticket to us – free within 100 days.
Frequently asked questions
How do earplugs help with ear pain and discomfort during takeoff and landing?
Earplugs can help to lessen the pain and discomfort of airplane ear by equalizing the air pressure in your middle ear. That means there won’t be such a big change in pressure, and your ears shouldn’t hurt as much.
Will wearing earplugs affect my ability to hear announcements and communication during the flight?
Traditional foam earplugs muffle sound so you might have trouble hearing announcements and chatting to others on the plane. But earplugs like Loop Experience are designed to filter sound waves rather than blocking them out completely, so everything should still sound crystal clear – just at a lower volume.
Can earplugs prevent blocked ears and temporary deafness after flying?
Sometimes, people’s ears can get blocked after flying due to the rapid changes in air pressure, if the tubes in their ears don’t react quickly enough. Earplugs for flying can help to equalize the pressure, meaning your ears are less likely to get blocked – and you’re less likely to suffer from temporary deafness.
Can earplugs help with pressure regulation and equalization during changes in altitude?
Yes, when you wear earplugs on a plane, they can help to reduce the difference in air pressure as the plane takes off and lands, so you’re less likely to suffer from airplane ear.
Can I still use other methods like chewing gum or swallowing to alleviate ear pressure while wearing earplugs?
Yes, the more techniques, the merrier! Wearing earplugs while chewing gum or swallowing will further reduce your chances of suffering from painful ears.
Can I wear earplugs during the entire flight or should I remove them for certain periods?
Loop Earplugs are designed to be comfortable all day long, so you can happily wear them for your entire flight. With Loop Experience, you’ll still be able to hear everything that’s going on around you, while you might find that because Loop Quiet offers more noise reduction, you may want to remove them for important safety announcements.
Do earplugs help with airplane pressure?
While earplugs are primarily designed to reduce noise levels, protecting your ears and reducing overwhelm, they also help with pressure when flying. Airplane earplugs seal your ear canal, slowly equalizing the pressure against your eardrum. That means that, when you’re wearing earplugs for flying, you’re less likely to experience pain or discomfort during take off and landing.