Noise reduction earplugs for phonophobia
The world is full of color, sights and sounds. But sometimes it can all feel like too much. For some people, the sounds of the world can become overwhelming. And sometimes, that overstimulation turns into fear.
A fear of sounds, usually loud sounds, is known as phonophobia. It can lead to extreme anxiety, stress and, in some cases, isolation. Living in a constant state of fear can be debilitating, and it can be tempting to hide away and avoid all noises. But what if we told you there’s another way? Earplugs for phonophobia can help you to combat your reactions to sounds, while helping you still live your life to the fullest.
What is phonophobia?
Unexpected loud noises, like car alarms, can be momentarily alarming for anyone. But phonophobia is an extreme type of noise sensitivity, which may cause you to feel anxious, stressed or overwhelmed. People with phonophobia may have a fear of loud noises that they know are coming – like fireworks – as well as unexpected noises.
It’s slightly different to misophonia, which is an intense hatred of certain sounds like slurping, chewing or repetitive tapping – but it’s not a phobia.
Phonophobia triggers can vary from person to person, and what might trigger intense fear in one phonophobia sufferer might not have the same impact on another. But most sounds that trigger an extreme response in people with phonophobia wouldn’t necessarily be considered upsetting or anxiety-inducing to most other people. Some common triggers can include things like:
- Sudden bangs, crashes or explosions
- Car alarms and sirens
- Crowds and shouting
- Loud music
- Balloons popping
- Construction work
- Vehicle noise
- Everyday household sounds, like washing machines and vacuum cleaners
- Tannoy announcements
Just like the sound triggers, phonophobia symptoms can vary. One of the most common symptoms is anxiety. This can be caused either by exposure to a loud noise, or by the anticipation of a noise, and it can manifest both emotionally and physically, including symptoms like a racing heart, sweating, trembling, rapid breathing and tense muscles.
People with phonophobia will often be hypervigilant, constantly scanning their surroundings for sources of potential sounds, which can lead to them feeling stressed all the time. This can also result in avoidant behavior, when people with phonophobia isolate themselves to ensure they’re not exposed to any loud noises – something which can, of course, greatly affect their quality of life.
There are several ways that people with phonophobia can manage the condition, including exposure therapy (where you’re gradually introduced to the sounds you’re scared of), cognitive behavioral therapy, medication, and relaxation techniques.
Earplugs can be another useful tool when it comes to managing phonophobia, helping to reduce the volume of noise so you can live a less stressful life.
Our earplugs for Phonophobia
Benefits of using earplugs for phonophobia
When you have phonophobia, you don’t necessarily want to wear earplugs all the time. Just like avoiding noises, that could make your fear and anxiety worse in the long term. But they can provide effective short-term relief, and help you to gradually get used to having more noise in your life.
Traditional foam earplugs block sounds out, which can cut you off. But Loop Engage earplugs are instead designed to filter sound waves, with up to 16 decibels (SNR)of noise reduction. That means you can still hear sounds – just at a lower volume. So you can take the edge off loud and stressful noises, without having to hide away from the world.
By reducing the volume, you can create a quieter environment, which will help to minimize your reactions to sound triggers and help you to feel calmer.
And just knowing you have a secret weapon – earplugs – can help you to feel more confident when out and about. You’ll feel empowered to take control in the face of loud noises, meaning you’re less likely to isolate yourself, and more likely to get out there and enjoy everything the world has to offer.
The answer to your fear of sounds
If you were looking to counteract a phobia of loud noises, you might be tempted to just avoid them altogether, right?
Unfortunately, you can’t control everything in the environment around you. But you can control the measures you take to limit the volume of sounds around you.
That’s where earplugs can come in handy.
Earplugs like Loop Experience, Loop Experience Plus and Loop Quiet can help cap decibel levels and either manage or muffle sounds, depending on the product.
But if you find that these earplugs aren’t quite right for you, then Loop Engage may be the answer.
Loop Engage are designed with conversation in mind. The earplugs offer up to 16 dB of noise reduction while combating the echoey occlusion effect in your head. Freeing you up to talk freely and connect.
And if that still doesn’t work for you? We have a 100 day return policy. No matter what you’re looking for, Loop can help you find it.
So you can finally gain control over the world of sound.
Start living life at your volume
Don’t let fear take over your life – we’re here to help you through this.
100 days free return
Ready to give them a try? We think you’ll love them, but if not, you’ve got 100 days to return them for free.
Frequently asked questions
How do earplugs help with phonophobia?
Earplugs reduce the volume and intensity of sounds reaching the ear, which can help to make noise a more tolerable level for people with phonophobia – which can, in turn, reduce their anxiety and fear response. Earplugs can also be a useful tool when it comes to increasing exposure to sounds by gradually increasing your tolerance.
Can earplugs completely eliminate all triggering sounds?
While some earplugs do block out sounds, it’s not recommended that people with phonophobia eliminate all triggering sounds, as this can make the fear reaction worse in the long term. Instead, it’s best to use earplugs that reduce loud noises rather than completely muffling them.
Can I still hear important sounds while wearing earplugs?
You can if you choose the right type of earplugs! Loop Engage earplugs filter sound waves rather than blocking them out, so the intensity of loud noises will be reduced but you’ll still be able to hear important sounds and conversations.
Can earplugs for phonophobia be used in combination with other therapies?
Yes, a multi-pronged approach is usually best for those suffering from phonophobia, and earplugs can be used alongside other forms of treatment like cognitive behavioral therapy, medication, and exposure therapy.