Noise reducing earplugs

From noisy commutes to busy offices, and from music concerts to a snoring partner, the world is loud. Lots of noise can be damaging in more ways than one. Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause hearing damage – and it can also be damaging to your wellbeing, especially for those of us with noise sensitivities

Are you a regular concert goer? Have you ever felt frustrated at the sound of a friend or colleague eating loudly? Do you love socializing but find the hustle and bustle of cafes, bars and restaurants overwhelming? If you’ve answered “yes” to any of these questions, then noise reducing earplugs could be your new best friend.

Choosing noise reducing earplugs

When it comes to noise reduction earplugs, one of the most important things to look out for is the noise reduction rating. This is the key to knowing how much noise reduction a pair of earplugs offers – and the higher the noise reduction rating, the better the earplugs are at reducing noise to a safe level.

It’s important, then, to think about what you want from a pair of noise reducing earplugs. Are you an avid concert goer, or work in a noisy environment? In that case, you’ll need earplugs that offer a high level of noise reduction to bring noise in these extremely loud environments down to a safe level. Earplugs like Loop Experience offer up to 18 dB (SNR) and 7 dB (NRR) of noise reduction – or an extra 5 dB with Loop Experience Plus – to keep your ears safe in noisy environments.

If you find background noise distracting or overwhelming, and need to reduce the noise in order to find your focus, then you might not need such a high level of noise reduction. Loop Engage earplugs are made to help you stay in the loop while taking the edge off with up to 16 dB (SNR) and 10 dB (NRR) of noise reduction (or an extra 5 dB with Loop Engage Plus).

If you’re looking for a good night’s sleep, you want earplugs that offer high levels of sound reduction so you fall asleep more quickly – and stay asleep for longer. Loop Quiet earplugs offer up to 26.2 dB (SNR) and 14 dB (NRR) of noise reduction.

Or, if you want earplugs that can do it all, choose Loop Switch. They offer the convenience of 3 earplugs in 1, controlled by a single switch – giving you the power to switch between Engage, Experience and Quiet modes depending on your environment.

Our earplugs for noise reducing

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Benefits of noise reduction earplugs

Exposure to noise of 85 decibels – that’s the level of heavy city traffic – for 8 hours or longer without hearing protection can put you at risk of potential hearing damage. And, as noise levels get louder, the risk of damage increases. 

Noise reducing earplugs lower the intensity and volume of the noise that reaches your ears. That means the risk of hearing damage is also reduced, making it safer for you to be in noisy environments, from nightclubs to festivals.

As well as being potentially damaging to your hearing health, most people struggle to concentrate in noisy environments. Your brain just doesn’t know whether to tune in on the work you’re doing, people chattering in the background, or the din of traffic outside. Whether you’re at work or trying to study, minimizing background noise can help you to focus on the task at hand.

And if you find noisy environments to be stressful or anxiety-inducing, then noise reducing earplugs can also help to create a calmer atmosphere, helping to improve your work-life balance.

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Frequently asked questions

Are there earplugs that block noise but not voices?

The best earplugs for noise reduction don’t block out noise completely. Instead, they filter sound waves, so the sound quality is still high – just at a lower volume – so you’ll still be able to hear voices.

How do noise reducing earplugs work?

Most earplugs muffle tones because they block sound waves. Loop earplugs combine a patented acoustic channel and mesh to filter them instead, keeping sound quality clear, just at a reduced volume.

What factors should I consider when choosing noise reducing earplugs?

Look out for earplugs with a high level of noise reduction to reduce noise to a safe level. You’ll want to choose earplugs that are comfortable for all-day wear. Loop earplugs come with a choice of four ear tip sizes so you can always get the perfect fit.

What is the significance of the noise reduction rating (NRR) when selecting earplugs?

The noise reduction rating shows how effective earplugs are in reducing noise, with a higher NRR ensuring better noise reduction. It’s important to choose earplugs with an appropriate NRR for the activity you’ll be doing, such as sleeping, traveling or going to sporting events.

Are there any additional noise reduction solutions besides earplugs?

There are several ways to reduce noise, including earplugs, custom-molded earplugs and ear defenders or ear muffs. It’s up to you to choose the solution that works best for your situation – but earplugs are generally more portable and convenient than bulky ear defenders, and cheaper than custom-molded earplugs.

Are there noise blocking earplugs available for extreme noise environments?

Just look out for a high noise reduction rating. Whether you work on a construction site, need earplugs for flying, or are a regular at concerts and events, choose earplugs with a NRR that will reduce the noise to a safe level.